Sunday, April 8, 2018

They do not Exist, and will not Tolerate those Who Notice This

Open Democracy - The hard right and its threats to democratic liberalism

This is a long, and well thought-out article. And will appeal to those who think - a small part (unfortunately) of the total population.

The last time I was in the States, I lived with my cousin and his wife, in Northern Virginia, in the DC area. They had an iron-clad unwritten rule "No serious discussions!" And I could see they were not alone - everyone else felt the same way. The most amazing things were going on - but no one noticed them.

They had discovered the perfect solution, for their situation - "Notice nothing!" And I could see, by looking around me - everyone felt the same way. Their country was in free-fall, and heading for a hard landing - but they felt perfect! And they said this to each other, constantly "Everything is fine!"

At the same time, however - a powerful counter-message was circulating, just under the surface "Things are in terrible shape, and something drastic will have to be done to fix them!" And they were right - things were in terrible shape.

I helped my cousin campaign for Obama, and he was elected - because he said the right things, but did the wrong things. When I pointed this out to my cousin, by email, he did not reply - because to his mind, I did not exist!

Trump did exist, however, and the Hard Right, discussed in the article - made its sudden appearance..

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