Friday, April 20, 2018

Fantasy and Reality

I have a personal problem with this, with managing my money. Money is real, and it cannot be invented - as many, many people have tried to do. They will think, as I have done, unconsciously - that they can make more money, just by imagining they have more money.

But it does not work that way - what happens in our Minds, can be entirely different from what is out there, in Reality. And this can cause plenty of problems.

President Trump has a serious problem with this - as he has shown, over and over. But the American people still support him - with some reservations, that depend on local circumstances. He is much like them - out of touch with Reality.

And this is causing the American People plenty of problems - that they do not want to face. They stubbornly believe, if they think they have no problems - they have no problems. When they have problems so serious, and so pervasive - almost no one can understand them.

But if they are so hard to understand, people reason - nothing can be done about them, and the situation cannot be fixed! This is defective reasoning at its worse. The same reasoning that doomed the Roman Empire, two thousand years ago, And may doom the American Empire (and the Global Economy) with it, today. Small changes can be made, and should be made - being helpless will not help!

To repeat something that has been said before, many times - we have become a complex, technical society - that the people in it, cannot understand. Even though they have enormous computing power at their disposal.

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