Sunday, April 29, 2018

The Complex of Values that Created the Hard Right

People have been asking, why no one is opposing this. The reason is simple  - because that would be too hard, too much would have to change - including some core values, that people cherish.

People have changed greatly in the last 500 years - so much so, they can hardly recognize each other - or even recognize themselves.

And this is probably a good place to start - with the fact of rapid change, which our species is poorly equipped to deal with. We want the latest fashion - and we want to stay the stay the same. And we cannot make up our minds, which we want most.

This not an impossible problem - all we have to do is recognize that we have it, and will always have it. And then get on with our lives.

But this is not what we have done. We have created the fantasy that we have somehow solved this problem, and all problems like it. And we don't have to bother with them anymore. We believe we are much smarter than we really are. Superhuman, in fact.

This is a modern problem, it would never have occured to the Ancients - for whom, our human frailties, was all too obvious.

Allow me to reiterate what I have just said. We have developed a new identity - that has made us much better, than we actually are.

This must have happened in a series of steps, over a period of hundreds of years. That included the Renaissance, the Reformation, and the Industrial Revolution. All huge changes. Changes so vast, we could not understand them.

But (and this is important) we thought we did.

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