Sunday, December 16, 2018

Excessive Reliance on Intuition

This is a difficult undertaking, but it must be attempted - again.

The question was simple - how do we make the basic decisions in our lives? How is our world to be organized?

The basic Enlightenment idea was simple - by the use of Reason. But this idea perished because of French Revolution - and the Industrial Revolution. Two irresistible forces, but the second one, Capitalism, was more powerful - and still faces us today.

And the question now is "How do we make Capitalism better for the People, who are in it?" Instantly, the question comes back "Which people?"

And for many people, the answer was simple "Us." And they voted for those who supported them. And in the U.S. this resulted in the election of Trump.

This can be seen as The Rise of the Masses, an idea of Ortega y Gasset - who took it nowhere.

We need to go back to that time, the Thirties, put ourselves in its shoes, and come up with a different solution to its problems. An effort, however, no one wants to make.

Too much time has gone by, and the world has changed too much, for this to be a viable concern. People want to know "How does this affect me, now?" And they want a simple answer, to this complicated question.

Which some of their leaders, are willing to give them "Just follow me!" The same solution Fascist leaders made in the Thirties.

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