Tuesday, December 25, 2018

We live in a Time Trap

For the last two hundred years - from the middle of the 19th Century, to the middle of the 21st - we have lived in a greatly accelerated period of time. That has left us completely disoriented, and violent.

Time is mysterious, our body time and clock time are different things entirely. And when the two get out of sync - strange things happen, that have never happened to us before. We are built for a slowing-changing world - and cannot accommodate rapid change.

The first huge change was caused by the introduction of the Machine, by the Industrial Revolution. Especially the Steam Engine. In practically no time, Railroads sprang up on the land, and Steamboats on the waters.

This was accompanied by the Telegraph, that could transmit messages instantly. There was Photography. And it was not long before photos could be transmitted over the Telegraph, and printed in the Newspapers! Undersea cables were laid under the oceans.

Then there was Electricity, that replaced mechanical machinery. And Electronics that made Radio,  Radar, and Sonar possible. All this happened in less than a hundred years. and was accompanied by the American Civil War, WWI, the Depression, and WWII.

The most destructive wars of all time, by a sizable margin. But the population kept growing!

What was happening to us, in our collective unconscious? We desperately wanted to stop all this rush into the future. And to slow things down. We were not conscious of this, but our bodies were. And it was important to notice what was really going on - not what we thought was going on.

What happened was that mass dictatorships appeared, in the Thirties, commonly referred to as Fascist. The worst of which was Stalin, who was an ally of the US. in WWII - and whose nation, the USSR - won the war against Hitler, and suffered enormous casualties.

America, after the War, had a boom economy, for twenty years, with loans for financing mass housing - and low tuition at the colleges. But this did not last.

Midwestern manufacturing, that produced half of the world's products - turned into a vast Rust Belt.  Americans wanted someone to rescue them - and elected Trump as President. They wanted someone to turn the time back, and he promised to do so. To make America great again!

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