Friday, December 28, 2018

I'm in Bad Shape

"What's wrong with you?" You will ask. And I have to say "I don't know, and no one else seems to either!"

The human body is complicated, and whatever is wrong with me, is complicated also.

But I can tell a story, of what happened yesterday. But I am have trouble doing even that. All I can remember was that I was lying on the sidewalk, with a group of concerned people around me. All they knew was that I could not speak Spanish. They call an ambulance, that never arrived.

Eventually Ray showed up, and took charge of me. I could barely walk, but I managed to get into his car, and he took me to the local medical clinic, only a few blocks away. We went through the usual routine there, but it was limited, because I could not get out of my wheelchair.

Eventually the ambulance showed up, and I got into that, sitting in one of the seats. Ray said he would meet me at the hospital in Cartago, about an hour's drive away. Off we went!

Eventually, I saw a doctor, who gave us a diagnosis. I was having seizures. But the net effect is, that I can hardly walk now. I have bruises all over me, especially in my right ribs and right hand.

As I am writing this, it makes sense - but believe me, there is nothing sensible about it!

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