Wednesday, December 26, 2018

Machines are Not People, and Never Can Be

This is about Artificial Intelligence (AI) the hottest new thing. Plenty of very smart people are sure that it is happening, it will only get better, and the sky is the limit.

But a fundamental consideration, should make them take another look at their high expectations. The fundamental consideration I have in mind is simple - Computers are machines, not living organisms.

The relationship between people and their technologies has always has always been complicated - to say the least. And this relationship has become more so. I hate to venture into this minefield myself.

But it is clear to me, exceedingly clear to me - that that what we call sanity or insanity. and creativity are mixed up with each other. And machines can be either way.

Perhaps I am wrong - the wiring can go bad in either case, and the result is dysfunctional beings, animate or inanimate. The laptop I am using right now is defective, and the company that made it, Lenovo, just dumped an app on me, that wants to show me it is OK. And they are not responsible for its problems. Lies, lies, lies.

Computers, using the many forms of AI, can do amazing things - such as translate languages, as well as any person. Any three-year old, raised in multiple languages, can do the same thing. But no one thinks of employing them - because they cannot be computers. They have human needs, as well as human skills.

They are wired by neurons, not copper wires. They have to eat, breath, poop - and eventually, reproduce.

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