Sunday, December 2, 2018

Mankind has become Destructive

They have noticed (correctly) that the world is not good for them, and for that reason - are destroying it.

Let me examine the first part of that assertion - that the world was not good for them. This was the inevitable result of the Industrial Revolution.

We become more interested machines than we were in people. Because machines were making us rich! Or at least they were making those at the top rich. They made those at the bottom, poorer than they had ever been before.

In America, this was taken to an extreme with the institution of slavery in the American South - the most influential part of America, at the time.

This resulted in the Civil War - the worst war, with the most casualties, the world had ever seen. The North won this war, because it had industrialized, and didn't need slaves in its factories or farms.

About this time, from the middle of the 19th Century to the middle of the 20th, a fundamental change in society took place - machines became more important than people! And the people involved, were not aware of this change - and remained unaware of it, to this day.

This set up the situation today - most people are socially unaware, and determined to remain that way.

Superficially, they feel everything is fine. But deep down, they know it is terrible. And they are destroying it.

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