Friday, July 31, 2020


"Dysfunctional what?" you may ask.

The answer is "Everything."

You can be forgiven for not believing me. After all, something must be working, somewhere! What about our parent's lives in Ft. Madison, Iowa, or anyplace else in the American Rust Belt? They were doing alright during WWII, and for a while after that, but then things spluttered to a close. 

And with a global economy, everything spluttered to a close. 

"What about the Computer?" You may ask. Hasn't that taken off? 

It has, but is it enough to save us? I don't think so. 

To recover, we first have to realize how bad off we are. And this is not likely to happen. 

The Computer can handle huge amounts of data, but it has to be the right kind of data. And to make it right requires the active intervention of People. 

To make things right, we have to make things right. 

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