Sunday, July 19, 2020

Why do we Hate Ourselves?

Most people are nor aware of this attitude, but it exists and is strong. 

I ask myself the usual questions about it: when and where and why. As an American, I have to begin in the late18th Century, but acknowledge our debt to the English, whose history (and language) begins much earlier. 

I also have to acknowledge the effect of Mormonism on my family. Which began early in American history, about 1820. 

Now, early in the 21st Century, we find ourselves in a very strange situation, we cannot understand in the least. 

To return to the original question "When did we start hating ourselves?" We have to say it was a gradual process and was caused by our environment. 

I have to ask about that strange animal Facebook, which has become very important, overnight. What does this say about us? 

Perhaps it is saying we have become dependent on (and identified with) our technologies. 

We are now part Human and part Computer, a strange mix that does not work very well, 

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