Thursday, July 30, 2020

Me and Mr. Coffee

This must be the biggest and most complicated Coffee Maker ever made. 

It uses both coffee and milk (an unstable combination). In these drinks, steamed milk is mostly a liquid, and frothed milk is mostly gas. You will see what I mean when you try using it.

Espresso a unique method of coffee brewing coffee in which very hot high-pressure water (steam) is forced through finely-ground coffee. Popular in Europe, it is far richer and more full-bodied than regular drip coffee.

Cappuccino a drink made with 1/3 espresso, 1/3 steamed milk, 1/3 frothed milk.

Latte a drink made of 1/4 espresso and 3/4 steamed milk.

I use Splenda to sweeten all these drinks. 

You gotta be mechanically adapt (or a professional Barista) to use it. 

It uses an external water tank (instead of a boiler) and an external milk tank - that is complicated, with a lever controlling a frothing tube and a rotating dial that controls the milk amount. You gotta see it, and get your hands on it, to understand what I am talking about here. 

But I don't know what the Cup Height Adjusting Tray and the Removablerip Tray and Lid are for.

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