Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Americans Are Responsible for the Mess They are In

Humans have always operated in two ways - consciously and unconsciously. The discovery of the unconscious was one of our greatest discoveries, ever - although there have been numerous attempts since then to forget this - and project it elsewhere.

I might as well state the obvious - most of the operations of the body, and the mind - are unconscious - and we have a collective unconscious, as well - that we call culture - also a recent discovery.

The biggest mistake of the Enlightenment was neglecting the unconscious, and the impact of culture.

It was superseded by Industrialization - where the unconscious and culture were put to work - with disastrous consequences - WWI, the Depression, and WWII. People everywhere insisted they were not responsible for this - something else made them do it. And they continue to assert this, with all their strength. "We are not responsible, and anyone who says so, is in big trouble!"

Most of the people said this - but a minority did acknowledge this problem - in many ways. A split had developed between the intellectuals and artists - and the rest of the population (the vast majority, who had all the votes).

As a result, Americans voted for Trump - and continue to support him. And insist that nothing is wrong!

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