Saturday, October 21, 2017

What is Wrong with Our World, and How are We Going to Make it Better?

This is not a subject Americans like to talk about. And they will do almost anything to avoid it. This is the last thing in the world they want to consider, when it should be the first.

First of all, because they do not want to know how bad things are. And secondly, whatever the present situation is - they do not want to fix it. They have better things to do, and they will do them instead.

This is quite a change from a few hundred years ago - when making a better world was something almost everyone was interested in - and actively engaged in. What happened?

Industrialization happened - and changed everything. It's easy enough for me to speak of Industrialization, when it was actually a very diverse event - but now, looking back on it, we can say it happened - and the results were not entirely beneficial.

People knew something big had happened - and they did not want a repeat of it. Why?

Because it had made a world that did not like them. This world was interested in big things - not small things, like them.

The end result was - nothing got changed.

When the Revolution Came for Amy Cuddy, however, dropped into my inbox. And said much more than I could even think of saying.

It shows me, once again - that a few people are thinking (and thinking very hard) even as most are not thinking at all.

When the Revolution
Came for Amy CuddyWhen the Revolution

Came for Amy CuddyWhen the Revolution

Came for Amy Cuddy

When the Revolution
Came for Amy Cuddy

When the Revolution
Came for Amy CuddyWhen the Revolution

Came for Amy Cuddy

When the Revolution
Came for Amy Cuddy

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