Saturday, October 21, 2017

What is the Science Behind ...

Science has fallen on bad times, where nearly everyone is against it. National Geographic even had an issue about The War on Science.

Probably because Science, in the 18th and 19th Centuries made people rich (at least in some countries) - and it is now telling them that this sudden wealth is over. People are furious.

Few are interested in discovering how the world works - that is what Science is about.

But still, people are demanding that there be a science behind everything! This makes no sense at all - but people do not care - and they make the same demands anyway.

For example, what is the Science behind Meditation?

I once did a short meditation training, where the trainers measured our oxygen usage before and after our training. They probably wrote a paper, for some kind of journal, or something - announcing their results!

This is foolishness - and I could even use stronger language. To see if Meditation works for you - you have to try it for yourself. It will work for some people, in some situations - but not for others.

And this result applies to many practices - they will work in some situations, but not in others. And which situations they will be successful in - usually cannot be determined in advance.

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