Thursday, October 5, 2017

What Are We Trying To Do?

I asked myself this question a lot, when I was working in Silicon Valley in the Nineties. It seemed to me, I was in a madhouse - where no one knew what he was doing - and didn't want to know. They were focused on their immediate task - and nothing else. If they widened their vision, all they could see was chaos.

I couldn't stand this, I got out, and moved to Costa Rica. But sitting here, this morning, in my pyjamas, in front of my laptop, with a fast Internet connection - I think I can see the dust settling down. I think.

We are living through a transition from an Industrial economy to a Computer economy.

But few seem aware of this. We were not aware of the Industrial economy, when we were in it - and we are even less aware of the Computer economy, that we are now in.

But a few of us, are different - we are part of the Computer economy, and can see how it works - when it is working, which is only part of the time.

Its basic goal is simple - making things better! And it is explicit about the ways it is doing this - about how it is making people part of the pattern, again.

But only some people, the people who understand this new paradigm - and can work in it.

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