Wednesday, October 11, 2017

My Inside and Outside

I discovered this myself, and have never heard another description of it. I'm sure they exist, but I am not aware of them.

One of the basics in my life was a terrible childhood - that was made worse by everyone insisting that my parents were wonderful - like everyone else! This was not unusual at all - almost everyone I knew had a miserable childhood - and any therapist worth his salt knew this also.

Now that I have brought up the subject of therapy, I must say a few words about that. I have always believed in therapy, or some alternative way of life - that had to be better than the one I had.

My first therapist was a cousin of mine (really!) and I trusted him completely, and never imagined he would mislead me. But he did, in a subtle way. He managed to assure me that I was alright - but insisted that my parents were alright also!

This, I have realized - was a mistake. The first step in any recovery is recognizing where you are, and what your problems are. This discovery can take some doing - and is the first part of any therapy.

Somehow, I really don't know how - I became able to distinguish the boundaries between myself and everyone else. Between my inside and my outside.

At the time, I was working in Computers, in the Eighties - although we did not realize that yet, we just called it high-tech. But I did have some therapists that spoke of the dysfunctional family - a new idea to me, that made all the difference in the world.

Eventually, in the Nineties, I ended up in Silicon Valley - and was able to see, that I was surrounded by craziness - a vast dysfunctional family. I did not realize this very clearly - but I kind of did. And I realized I had to get out.

Fortunately, I was sixty-five, and had my Social Security annuity, that I could fall back on. If I lived somewhere else. That turned out to be Costa Rica, where I live now.

And here I sit, in my pyjamas, in front of my laptop, with a fast Internet connection. All of this happened after I left the Valley, in 2001.

Right now, I am learning Git - and learning how people can work together, productively. It really can be done! If I want to learn about anything else, I always have Wikipedia - another way people can help each other.

At the same time, Trump was elected President, and is determined to wreck everything - and most Americans can see nothing wrong with this!

A new world is being built - while the old one is being destroyed.

A marketplace of ideas has been established - where they compete with each other. We do not have to chose the best ones - the marketplace choses them for us!

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