Friday, May 25, 2018

Grandmother Wrote Homilies


A commentary, without formal introduction, division, or conclusion, on some part of Sacred Scripture, the aim being to explain the literal, and evolve the spiritual, meaning of the Sacred Text.

She made a modest living from writing these during the Depression, when money was hard to get.

There was a company then, that provided Offering Envelopes for the churches. People could put their money in these envelopes (one for each Sunday) and drop them in the offering plate that was being passed around. A church officer, would open the envelopes, and give each person credit for his contribution. - usually in the form a written statement that could be used for income tax purposes. 

On the back of each envelope, was a short homily. This company employed a number of writers - and Grandmother was one of those.

She got the ideas for these homilies from listening to the sermons, in her church. 

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