Wednesday, May 2, 2018

Why do People Like Religion?

This can be easily answered by saying "It makes them feel better!" But I think more can be said than that - such as the attraction of the Supernatural. Religion makes them feel better, in special ways, that are precious to them.

I became interested in Religion because of my religious family, who were RLDS, or Missouri Mormons. The second-largest Mormon church, at the time. And I can safely say, for them, their religion made them feel important - in fact, better than other people! They did not carry this belief to extremes - they were Americans, first and foremost - with something special added. Their neighbors tolerated their eccentricities. But this strategy failed, in the long term, and the church has broken into a number of competing churches.

I left the church when I attended the University of Illinois - when it became obvious to me that my family's church was not important. I was the only one, however, in my family, to make this step - which seemed easy to me. The rest have not given up their belief in the church - that is an important part of their identity. They are in love with an illusion, and the facts of the situation do not interest them.

Thinking about the church, and Mormonism in general, has convinced me that it was a product of its times - that were shaped largely by Industrialization. And Mormonism was largely a reaction to that. Mormons themselves. I hardly need say - are not interested in this explanation of their religion.

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