Sunday, May 27, 2018

People Had a Feeling for What They Were

And they also had a feeling for how well things were going for them - as individuals,  and as a group. If things were not going well, they did something about it. This is common sense, taken to an extreme.

But somehow, we are not not as intelligent as we used to be. The reason for this, is not hard to understand - because our world has become more complicated. Or, more accurately - more complex.

It is no longer clear to us, what the best way to proceed is. And, more importantly, if we are the right force to make these changes. Other forces have gradually taken over, and do not want us to interfere with their operation.

Let me say this again - other forces have arisen, and we are not sure how to cope with them. We are surrounded by strange forces - and many of us, have made the decision - to not understand them!

I could go to the trouble of describing what these forces are. But that is not necessary - many of us have made the decision to not understand what they are - and they are not going to change their minds about this.

I saw this most clearly, the last time I visited the States. My cousin, and his wife, who live in Northern Virginia (in the DC area) let me live with them for two weeks, and were as considerate as they could be.

My cousin explained to me, how he had failed in Ohio, but had been saved by his sister, and her husband. Who had let him live with them, discover what he was talented for, and build another career, for himself. An amazing story!

There was only one problem - they did not want discuss why this happened, or what was happening to them at that time. There was not going to be any serious talk, around the dinner table.

This was hard on me - I love serious talk, but this is was forbidden.

Allow me to say this another way, slightly differently. People have changed, and we need to understand how they have changed.- but we are not doing a good job of this.

And the situation is getting worse, as the Computer is getting smarter - and become another force, we cannot understand. It is not really hard to understand - I am not too bright, but I can understand it.

But, once again, people do not want to understand.

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