Wednesday, May 23, 2018

The Working Class

This class of people, were created by the Industrial Revolution, with its factories, that manufactured everything imaginable. And the organizations that provided the services, that were necessary also - especially the Railroads and Steamships. But also many other services, many of them provided by the National Government - such as the Courts, that were kept busy by companies and organizations, suing each other.

My father's people worked for the Santa Fe Railroad, in Ft. Madison, Iowa. They were working class people - and were exploited (sometimes ruthlessly) by the Santa Fe - that also had its own hospital, for the many people injured on the job.

Today, The Dignity of Working Men showed up, printed by the Harvard University Press. I haven't read it, because I am more concerned with working in the Computer Ecosystem - something I am familiar with - and I have the scar tissue that resulted from - this time in the trenches - to prove it.

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