Thursday, May 17, 2018

The Rise of the Masses

I am reading The Revolt of the Masses again. The most important thing Garcia y Ortega did when he wrote this book, was to simply recognize their existence. So far as I know, not much has been done with his discovery since then.

Fascism got plenty of attention, but the important contribution of the Masses in its development, was not noticed - even by Ortega himself, who was almost killed, because he did not notice this soon enough.

The masses were the most important fact of their time - but were invisible.

Or they were invisible, before the arrival of the Computer - that, with its Internet, made them an inescapable fact - at least to Computer people. Only a small part of the population, to be sure, but an important part.

Some of these Computer people have realized that the Computer Industry should become more ethical - and in Software Development, they have done just this - made an ecosystem, where cooperation is more important than competition.

But the Masses are still with us - and have ignored this with all their strength! As long as they are in control, mass stupidity is still the order of the day. And they have elected leaders who will enforce this stupidity.

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