Tuesday, May 1, 2018

The Biggest Crisis in Human History

Is going on right now.

It's big because so many people are involved, and so much wealth. And big for another reason - people are not aware of it, because it's too big for them to understand.

I can state the problem simply - the human world has become so big, people cannot understand it.

This many not strike you as much of a problem - people have not understood what is going on for some time, and the world has not ended. But this is because mechanisms set up when the world was working, are still working - and producing the illusion that everything is ok. The patient is dying, but is not dead yet.

Let me take the analogy of social birth and death further. The present world began with the introduction of Science, which led to the Industrial Revolution - and to a huge population growth. And, strangely enough, a world hostile to people.

This last fact is important (to say the very least). A world dominated by machines, in the 19th Century - resulted in a series of World Wars, in the 20th Century - and the Holocaust. These machines were of two types - factories, for Manufacturing, and railroads for Transportation.

But this also made America the richest, and most powerful country in history, in the Fifties.

Two trends overlapped - the collapse of the Industrial World, and the rise of the Networked World - TV, and then the Computer. A very confusing situation - that confused people even more.

And when people get confused, they become destructive. Their internal logic is this "If it doesn't like me - I do not like it!" And it did not seem to like them.

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