Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Paperwork is the Curse of the Undeveloped World

I have a new Windows 10 laptop waiting for me, but it is taking three weeks to get it through Customs! Undeveloped countries, are undeveloped, because they have so much paperwork, it takes forever to get anything done.

The president of the country, once set up a special commision, to solve this problem - but it was never heard from again!

Developed countries work at being efficient - but undeveloped countries work at being inefficient, because this feels right to them.

I once passed a huge new modern building in a small town (Tucurrique) where there was practically nothing else there. It was built by the government, to get foreign companies to relocate there! No one had.

It never occurred to them, that far more was needed. No company in its right mind, would relocate to somewhere, where the roads are so bad - it takes hours to get there. The local people are eager to work, but the supervisory people, needed to manage them, would never live in such a place.

Costa Rica has built free trade zones (in Heredia) that meet all these requirements. But these have created their own problems. This new money is not interested in anything - but their own short-term interests. And this town, that used be a good place to live in - has deteriorated badly.

Development has to be managed carefully - and Costa Rica has no idea how to do this.

Any developed country has zoning laws, that specify what can be built where, and how it is to be built. In Costa Rica, anyone can build whatever he wants, anyplace he wants. And the result is an ugly mess - where only the desperate will live.

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