Thursday, May 24, 2018

When You Learn how to Build a Web App Yourself

You notice how defective most Apps are.

This is not hard to spot. Every app stores it's information in a database - that keeps track of everything that goes on with that app. Updating this information, or retrieving it, whenever necessary, should be as simple (and fast) as it can be - that's what databases (and there are number of them) were designed to do.

I am not a database expert myself - but I do know how they should work. And I know any App design tool (and there are many of them) builds a database for you, as part of its services.

This takes awhile - the App design tool spins its wheels - and then hands you an astonishing number of files, with important information in them - that make everything work together.

As an App designer, you have to know how this huge amount of information works. Acquiring this expertise takes some time - but once you have it, companies, with plenty of money at their disposal, will come looking for you.

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