Wednesday, May 16, 2018

There are Different Kinds of Black People

There are different reactions to this statement.

Some people (including some Black people) will insist they are no different from White people. And they should be treated the same way.

There is a lot of truth to this - but only some truth. Beauty is only skin deep, we will all agree - but that skin is important, especially in women, in some situations. Black women, with White skin - were more likely to be favored by their White owners - and bear his children. Blacks in the American South, were commonly a racial mixture.

And there is another consideration - Blacks came from Africa. But in Africa, there are many different kinds of Blacks. There is a greater diversity in Black people that any other race.

The ones we are familiar with, descended from slaves that were purchased in Africa (from other Blacks) and they were chosen because they were strong, and could survive brutal working conditions, and tropical diseases.

But something else became important, after Blacks moved North, after the Civil War, and became concentrated in Black Slums, in large cities. They became different people - and not the most desirable people.

This is true of any population - they are greatly affected by the other people in their population. For better, or for worse.

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