Wednesday, May 23, 2018

The Overwhelming Presence of the Bad

I sit here, at 3 o'clock in the morning, a battered old man, who can barely function, certain I have learned one thing, in my life, but having a hard time saying what that is.

It's about the Good and the Bad, I am sure. And the amount of each in the World. Hardly a new subject - but as important as ever. I am certain that the Bad has acquired new power, and is masquerading as the Good. Another insight, as old as the hills. That can easily be categorized as paranoia.

There is so much bad in the world, people hardly know how to respond to it - or how to recognize it. And most people have decided to not even try. The smart thing, they have decided, is to not be - to stay out of the battle - and let the strongest force win. If the winner is bad - that's not their problem.

Our most important task now, is convincing people to get real again - and fight against the Bad. Something most of them are extremely reluctant to do. It's much safer to not be at all.

We now have a powerful technology to help us fight back - the Computer. That I am using, right now, to write this blog. It is the perfect writing device. And we have the Cloud, that this writing is being saved to.

All we have to do, is get people to understand it. They are using it, already - without understanding it. And it is biting them in the ass.

We now have two tasks: (1) understand ourselves, and (2) understand the Computer. The two are interrelated.

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