Wednesday, May 9, 2018

Social Organization

All human societies organize themselves. People are social beings, and automatically organize themselves into social structures.

Originally, these were small groups where everyone knew everyone else, and spoke the same language. They obtained their basic needs, of food, clothing, and shelter - directly from the animals and plants that surrounded them. They were successful, in their own small way - and soon lived everywhere on earth.

We know almost nothing about them, only a few bones are left, and a few tools. But we know they existed, and formed the first human societies. And we have to think of ourselves, as starting from there, just when we cannot be sure. We only know one thing - we were there, and we were unique.

And we should be trying to understand these people more, because they had all the human characteristics we now have, millions of years later. For example, we had little hair, but our naked skin had sweat glands - and the list is extensive, including frontal sex intercourse, that no other species has.

But people now, insist on thinking they began much later - with the huge complex, of nearly everything, we call Civilization.

I am taking a course now, where Professor Paul Collier, of Oxford University, starts with the assumption, that human societies began in a state of chaos, and poverty. And they need to be restructured, to make them successful, and wealthy.

I think he is missing the boat. And is not aware of today's most pressing problem - that people no longer consider themselves part of Global Society. It has not been good for them, and they are not going to be good for it.

This is what we need to concentrate on - but we are not aware of this problem, and for this reason, cannot fix it.

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