Sunday, September 3, 2017

Any Successful Technology has Powerful Social Consequences

And these are usually not noticed by those most affected by it. We are strange creatures - we make our technologies, but then they make us.

I am thinking about this today, because I am trying to understand my complicated relationship to the Computer. I am trying to understand it - while most people are trying their best to not understand it.

They know, in their unconscious minds, that it is effecting them profoundly (and not always in the best of ways) - and they have compensated for this, by saying - it has had no effect on them at all!

They know how to use it, and for them, that is enough.

For them, the Computer is something out there - and they are something in here. Two separate worlds, that do not interact. A separation that can only exist in their minds.

On a practical level - how can I delete computer services I no longer want? It's amazing how determined they are, to keep getting into my bank account.

They may not like me - but they sure like my money!

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