Saturday, September 30, 2017

Pre-Industrial Time and Space

Now I live in Latin America, in Costa Rica, - where Industrialization has not penetrated very deeply. And I can see what a crucial difference this makes.

To put it simply - Latinos cannot plan. Because the ability to plan presupposes a universe where time and space are infinitely large and infinitely small - and uniform. Where every unit of time and space is the same. This was an important discovery of the Industrialized World - but much of the world (especially the Islamic World) prefers to be pre-industrial.

In the North, in Industrialized countries - this is taken for granted - and has made them rich. In the South - the very idea is resisted strongly, and they are poor. Their social abilities are still strong - but their Industrial abilities are weak.

I just bought a Pupusa from family that sets up a tent in front of the church on Saturdays. This took much longer that it should have, because the wife had gone off to buy the ingredients - and returned with some of them missing. In America, she would have had a shopping list, and bought everything on the list.

Down here, shopping lists are unknown - and are not considered very nice!

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