Friday, September 22, 2017

Consumed by Sensory Overload

Sensory overload. This is a term I just invented, I think - and I think it has fantastic potential, if I include mental sensations.

Consider a person watching television - he (or she) is probably being shown more highspeed information than their minds can process and understand. How can it respond? Usually, it goes into a trance, becomes helpless - and demands more! And this makes him more helpless, ignorant, and stupid.

"It doesn't affect me that way!" You may say, and you are probably right - and you are probably wrong also. I have watched a lot of TV watchers - and I was once one myself. My wife was very sensitive to TV stimulation - and I had to turn off the sound and use headphones, if I wanted to watch. Later, after watching its effect on others - I stopped watching altogether. And I have never regretted this decision.

Television is addictive, and I have seen people go to great lengths to get it - no matter what was on. It had become their world - and they could not do without it.

What I have just described is common to all social animals - they identify with their group. And people are extremely social.

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