Tuesday, September 26, 2017

The Student can now Evaluate the Teacher

Teachers don't like this - they are used to judging the student, an arrangement that puts them in a superior position. They want to be the authority - not the students. The really good teachers, however - have no problem with this. They don't care who does the teaching - as long as it gets done.

Take Wikipedia, for example. This accepts input from everyone - and is where everyone looks for information about everything. For most people this is great - except for teachers, who hate it with a passion. It is taking their jobs away from them!

I am now learning Angular, as I said before. And I am getting all my information from the Web - and can chose from a number of sources. There is so much good instruction out there, I get to pick and chose, and mix my learning from a number of sources.

This is a situation so different from the past - most people cannot comprehend it. In the past, information was scarce and expensive - now it is cheap and abundant!

It also provides a level playing field - instead of a hierarchical one. Most people don't like this - they want people around who are better than them - not equal to them!

I tell some of my young friends "You gotta get in the driver's seat!" But they don't get the message.

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