Thursday, September 21, 2017

Better Machines, Worse People

I'm sure I'm on the right track here - but it's so faint, I have a hard time following it. Let me rephrase it - when we made a world that was better for machines, we also made a world that was worse for us. Machines were taking things that we needed - and needed badly.

One of those needs was our need to be important, as people. Machine people thought machines were important - and people were less important. This was a subtle shift of emphasis, and seemed reasonable enough. Machines were doing so much for us - why not do something for them? And give them some of our power and resources.

I'm sure no one thought this way explicitly - but in retrospect, we can be sure they did, anyway. And we can be sure this process snowballed - and got worse and worse. And no one noticed it - because no one wanted them to.

As people, we have plenty of faults - but also something nothing no other species has - our creativity. And we should not give that up - and pretend our machines (especially our Computer) has this.

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