Wednesday, September 13, 2017


The Computer is changing the world, and this is the process that made it all happen. It takes almost anything, and changes it into a series of numbers - into digits.

This such a simple process, most people cannot comprehend its importance. But it is absolutely vital - without a digital input, the Computer can do nothing. With it, it can do almost anything.

The adoption of the Computer has happened so quickly, in less than fifty years - most people regard it as a kind of magic. Magic is a religious idea they are comfortable with - and they don't want it explained.

I have watched people, who are fascinated by a game on their Phone. Their Phone is clearly performing magic for them, and it must be supernatural!

What is happening, is not nearly so marvelous. An excellent example is streaming video - that is nothing but a series of colored dots that form the visual display - and another series of sound levels that form the sound. All this happens so rapidly, the brain integrates what is sees and hears - and we see a football game going on - complete with cheerleaders!

A game takes more explaining. The output is the same - a moving display with coordinated sound - but what is shown is virtual - not real at all. No matter, people adapt to it almost instantly - and start playing the game!

This is an example of what people have been doing forever - playing. Only some of their games are not so pleasant - involving the death of millions of people!

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