Monday, September 18, 2017

The Ascent of Those, who Do Not Think

This has been the most remarkable development of our time - from those who prided themselves on the quality of their thinking, to those who prided themselves on not thinking very much at all. Because that allowed more important things to assume command.

What were these more important things? They would not, and could not think about that. But they knew they were there - and they were very powerful! What they were, was easy enough to see - but there were no words to describe them. At least no words, that they would accept. Whatever this was, it was the ultimate reality - similar to that of God!

Actually, these forces had been described, in considerable detail, for some time - by people who were critical of them. But their analyses were not accepted by those in power - because they would have made them less powerful. And the majority of the people did not accept them either.

They supported Power, by not being critical of it. By not thinking!

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