Saturday, September 16, 2017

The Software Bubble

I got caught in this myself, and now I realize this - I do feel ashamed of myself, for being so stupid. However, I had plenty of company, and most of that company is still as enthusiastic as ever!

The Software Bubble is part of a global bubble, I will call the Development Bubble. Where the Developed World believes it has discovered the secret of Eternal Growth. Things are not only Great - they are always going to be getting Better - forever! At least for them - and the rest do not matter.

There is some truth to this. They have moved from limited religious concepts, to unlimited scientific concepts - from relative positioning to absolute referencing. That has made them able to analyze their situation and plan their future. But this has not stopped their bubble from getting bigger than ever.

For the rest of this posting, I will restrict myself to the Software Bubble. Much of Software Development is perfectly sane, and makes perfect sense. And has been getting better all the time. But part of it is just plain crazy!

Some of this craziness is technical, and hard to explain - but I will restrict myself to the obvious - startup fever! Companies, large and small, that have the latest gadget, you cannot live without. An example is the iPhone X, for one thousand dollars. Everyone thinks this is crazy - except for Apple!

I will move on to a bigger subject - the Cloud, the biggest bubble ever, and you can quote me on that. I have been thrilled by this, as much as anyone - but now I have wandered around in a few, and felt what they are really like - I have to wonder if it isn't a Trojan Horse?

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