Sunday, June 24, 2018

Being Human was Not For Them

They had been there, and done that, and they wanted none of it. It was only good for one thing - it showed them what they did not want to be.

Now that you have followed me this far, the question naturally arises "When and how did this happen?" and "What exactly did happen?"

These are hard questions, and it is easier for me to tell you, how I came to ask them. The shock  of my life happened in the Eighties and Nineties, when I was working in the Computer Industry. I kept asking myself "What is going on with these people?" They didn't seem to be human. And I was right - they were not human, and didn't want to be.

It took the longest time for this realization to sink in - I kept thinking "This could not possibly be the case! How could they not be human?" The answer to these questions is simple - this is simply the way they are - and I have to realize this.

This was not good news for me, because it meant I could not predict, how they will respond, to any situation. But this is precisely the advantage for them - being unpredictable means they cannot be controlled. And this is why they are not human - they do not want be controlled. The very idea, drives them to distraction.

Humans can be controlled, and are being controlled - just as they are controlling others. This is part of the human condition.

But as I said at the beginning of this rant - for these people, this is unacceptable. They have to be something else, and that something else is to not be human.

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