Tuesday, June 26, 2018

The Society that Cannot Socialize

I had an interesting experience yesterday. I went to visit my friend Yami, and she was having a party - her father had reached his 89th birthday.

Everyone was speaking Spanish, that I can barely understand, but I could understand what was going on, in a general way - and that was all that was necessary. I helped myself to the snacks Yami was cooking, and watched the conversation proceed. One man at our table was being the life of the party, and was telling off-color stories - much to the amusement of the women, who were quite willing to add a few of their own.

I was being entertained myself, by the socializing that was going on. Ticos have huge limitations, compared to the Gringos - but they can still socialize, because they still like people.

This was the first thing I noticed on my first trip down here, to see if I wanted to live here - the people were friendly! And I decided this place was for me.

This is not the place for most Americans, however. Most only stay for awhile, and then go back. Only a few can make the adjustments required to stay here.

What are these adjustments? They are the ability to live in another culture permanently. Foreigners who live here, have to accept the Latino culture - that is hugely different from theirs. And accept it as valid - in its own way. This is a big adjustment, most cannot make, because Americans are certain the American Way is the only way.

I will use my parents as an example. They retired to Mexico, and were part of a community built to help local college students, by giving them a place to live, for free. My father was right in his element - he had learned the advantages of living in poor country when he served in the Marines, in Haiti, in 1930-34. He also liked learning a language, and enjoyed learning Spanish.  He had never felt better, and easily accepted Mexican culture.

My mother could not do this - and insisted that they move back to the States. Where my father died, not long after this.

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