Thursday, June 7, 2018

The Problem with Being Social, is that You Have to be Social with People

Obvious, huh? But that is not saying enough - before you respond to any social situation, you  have to determine, in your mind, what that situation is and how you going to respond to it - in advance!

Let me give you an example, from my own life. I have a neighbor is a social recluse, she lives alone, by herself - in a large, beautiful house. Her only company is her dog, who is devoted to her.

I recently met a friend of hers - at least he claimed to he was a friend of hers - who told me she was recuperating from a serious operation, was lonely, and needed company.This guy tells lies more often than not - but this story seemed genuine. I believe in visiting the sick, so I decide to visit her.

I went to her house, rang her doorbell, told her who I was - and said I wanted to talk with her. She said she was sleepy, and didn't want company, right then - and I left, thinking to myself, that was a flimsy excuse. But I decided to try one more time.

Two days later, I tried again. This time, she said she was cooking, and didn't want to be bothered, right then.

I don't have to tell you about the future of this friendship.

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