Thursday, June 28, 2018

The Solution for All Our Problems is in Absolute Conformity

This, I am convinced, is the attitude of most Americans. But it is hidden safely out of sight, in their unconscious minds, where they can deny it completely - but still allow it to control their lives.

Now that I have opened my mouth to say that, I will continue to explain myself - but, in all fairness, give credit to that amazing book The Revolt of the Masses, in a new translation. The author, Jose Ortega y Gasset, probably did not realize the importance of this work, himself.

Americans have formed a mass culture of their own - and one they identify with intensely. And, in doing so, have become, in their own minds supernatural - much better than ordinary people, who are only natural. This means they already know everything - and knowing more would only pollute the perfect knowledge they already have. And not only that - they are also obligated to destroy all those that disagree with them!

This attitude probably originated as one of the unexpected results of the Industrial Revolution, in the late 19th Century. Areas where this did not happen, such as in Latin America, still retain their people-friendly attitude. They have plenty of other problems, but not this one.

This attitude became part of Fascism, in the Thirties. That made full use of Radio and the Movies. But in the Fifties, Television made its  appearance, and changed everything. It gave those in power, direct access to the viewers minds - without their realizing this, at all.

This was noted, at the time, by many observers, such as Marshal McLuhan. But they could not have imagined its far-reaching consequences. In forming a mass movement, that required complete conformity.

This was immediately incorporated into the Business Office. The most inhuman of institutions. Even those who did not end up working in an Office, supported it by not noticing it was there. Giving it all the power it needed.

I get desperate requests for money all time, from politicians who want to reform America. By countering the Bad Guys with messages of their own (usually videos like theirs, but with the opposite message).

They are fine people, but they do not know what is going on. And they can be easily ignored, by their opponents - such as the supporters of Trump. Who aim straight for the gut, instead.

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