Saturday, June 16, 2018

If You Don't See the Bad Things, That are Going On

You are a good person. And the bad things can continue, as before.

I'm sure you can see the contradiction here - good people allowing bad things to happen. How did this happen?

It happened, because of a typical human capacity - our ability (almost a need) to substitute illusions for reality.

When we do this, we always feel we have made the situation better. And it never occurs to us, to consider what is really going on. This, it seems at the time - is irrelevant. What is important is how we feel - not what is actually happening.

Let me give you an example.

My sister, and the woman she is married to, to.participated in the Woman's March on Washington. This happened the day after Trump was inaugurated, and was intended to impress him with Woman's Rights. The Trump administration, did not seem to notice the March, but that didn't bother my sister, who was completely satisfied with the it - and their participation in it.

What she thought happened - was not what actually happened. Which was practically nothing.

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